Bicolor Tower of Hanoi

A discrete space puzzle game inspired by the Tower of Hanoi.


The Bicolor Tower of Hanoi is a variation of the classic children’s puzzle game, Tower of Hanoi.

Similar in rules to the original, disks are moved one by one between the pegs while maintaining a rule that no disk has a strictly larger disk on top of it. Which is to say, a disk can move from peg u to peg v if and only if the peg v is empty or the top disk of the peg is of equal or larger size.

The puzzle game acts as a simple toy problem, to explore communication problems with social robots. This component is the game server portion of my larger PhD research project. The server models the game, and contains a solver which can be used to fetch the optimal move of the current board state. The server also receives commands from a user-interface, and can output a default ASCII representation.

The project is open-source and can be found here.