PhD in Systems Design Engineering

Expected August 2025, University of Waterloo, GPA – 92.50%
Supervisor: Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn
Received the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral (PGS D), University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship, and the Engineering Excellence Fellowship (PhD).

MASc in Systems Design Engineering

August 2021, University of Waterloo, GPA – 89.25%
Thesis: “Accessible Integration of Physiological Adaptation in
Human-Robot Interaction”

Supervisor: Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn
Received a Microsoft AI for Social Good research grant.

BSc in Computer Science

April 2019, University of Lethbridge, GPA – 80.75%
Graduated with Co-operative Education
Exchange term at the Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy)
Received funding from NSERC USRA, Mitacs Globalink, and
Chinook awards for research projects.